EVENTS: Please also see the latest Spotlight bulletin (click here)
Please note: the office will be closed from December 24 through January 1. We wish you a joyous Christmas and a blessed new year!
Coming up:
Monday, January 6, 6:30-8 PM: 8th-Grade Confirmation Parent/Child Meeting
Tuesday, January 7, 6-9 PM: Young Adult (ages 21-35) Gathering in Social Hall
Thursday, January 9, at Noon: Caregivers Support Group in Rooms 1-2 Sunday, January 12, 2-6 PM: C.O.L.T. Study Sunday
Tuesday, January 14, at 7 PM: Christian Service Meeting - all are welcome!
Tuesday, January 21, at 6:30 PM: Health Presentation in Social Hall - Autoimmune Disease
Sundays after 9:30 and 11 AM Masses: Coffee-and-Donuts - to volunteer, click here
Mondays at Noon: Join the Mah Jongg fun!
If you've never played, they will teach you!
Fourth Tuesday of each Month at Capuchin Soup Kitchen:
Wednesdays, 7-8 PM: RCIA with Father Don; all adults are welcome
Thursdays at 11 AM: Tai Chi
Second and Fourth Thursdays at Focus Hope:
- Men's Fellowship: 7:45 AM
- Saturdays, 10-11:30 AM: All Belong Special Needs Faith Enrichment Community, 10-11:30 AM; No All Belong on Saturday, Dec. 28.
CSA (Catholic Services Appeal); To donate online, visit: coltroy.aodcsa.org; Phone assistance available on weekdays from 7:30 AM - 5 PM at 1.800.348.2886
SIGN UP TO BECOME A BLOOD MARROW DONOR (if between the ages of 18-44) at https://www.join.bethematch/stevestrong.org