Ongoing Events

Please also see "UPCOMING EVENTS" page (click here)
Sundays during the school year:
SUNDAY PRESCHOOL (for ages 31/2-6) takes place at 9:30 AM and 11 Am Masses, and LITURGY OF THE WORD FOR CHILDREN (LWC)  for children in grades 1-6 take place during the 11 AM Mass.
Contact: Josylin Mateus at or 248.649.5510, ext. 107.  
CHRIST, OUT LIGHT! YOUTH MINISTRY ("C.O.L.T"):  Please see bulletin (click here) for updates and info. YOUTH MINISTRY at Christ, Our Light! is a place where teens come to live out their faith with others their age. Teens participate in social activities, Service projects and Faith building throughout the year. With work comes a lot of fun! We host Movie nights, field trips, dances, and lots of food to eat when we are together. FRIENDS are WELCOME, We LOVE meeting NEW friends! "Bible & Bonfire" on most Wednesdays during the summer at 5:30 PM. Contact:


MAH JONGG:  12 - 4 PM in the classrooms
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION classes are held in-person during the school year, according to Troy schools and our own calendar.  Grades 1-4 meet on  Mondays from 5 - 6:15 PM. Grades 5-8 meet on Mondays from 6:30 - 8 PM. Contact: Josylin Mateus:  248.649.5510, ext. 107 or email  NOTE: Beginning Monday, February 12, Confirmation Class: 5-8 PM
BIBLE & BAGELS:  Wednesdays, 10 AM - Noon, when in session. No registration required. All are welcome, even if unable to attend every session. Contact person: JoAnn Bonahoom at 248.649.5510, ext. 107. 
C.O.L.T.: Contact:  Upcoming event: Cedar Point on Saturday, August 10.
RCIA (Rite of Catholic Initiation of Adults): Will begin in the fall, Wednesdays at 7 PM. If you are interested in becoming Catholic, have missed receiving one of the sacraments, or just want to learn more or refresh your knowledge of the Catholic faith, please come. All are welcome to attend any class(es)! 
CHOIR: All are welcome; no experience necessary. Choir for 9:30 AM Mass is on Thursdays at 7 PM. Contact David Minnick at 248.961.2410. To join Choir for 11 AM Mass, contact Bob Mervak at 248.842.8124. The 11 AM Choir practices on Wednesdays from 7 - 9 PM. 


MEN'S FELLOWSHIP: 7:45 AM via conference call and in-person. Please call the office (248.649.5510) to be initially included. 


Contact Pam La Grassa at: 248.649.5510, ext. 113 or at Classes are in-person on Saturdays at 10 AM during the school year.