Registration Form

Your privacy is important to us. The information you provide will be used for parish records and mailings. If you do not wish your address, phone number and/or email included in the Christ, Our Light! Parish Directory, mark the appropriate box(es) in the first section of this form.

Home Address

We want your membership in our parish community to be a pleasant, meaningful experience. Please indicate any circumstance that could be an impediment.

Is there anyone residing with you who is homebound and would need communion to be brought to him or her? ☐ Yes Name: _______________________________________ Best time to contract someone to make arrangements: _________.

Please complete the following information regarding each child currently living at home: Full name (Include last name if different from parent(s) or guardian(s), age, gender, religion, and Sacraments received (Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation).

It is our hope that you and your family will consider involvement in one or more of the activities or programs listed below.

Do you have a special talent or interest you would like to share with us on a continuing basis or from time to time?


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